To improve and sustain the surgical health of people and communities throughout the world with quality and ethical surgical policy and practice.
To facilitate the education of the next generation of surgical leaders around the world to participate in the development of high quality, ethical surgical programs.
The role of surgery in global health has largely been focused on emergency disaster relief. Recently the World Health Organization has elevated surgery within its agenda for global health. Illnesses which require an increased emphasis from surgical intervention are surgical infectious diseases, cancer and non communicable diseases, congenital anomalies, traumatic injuries and, of course, natural disasters and emergencies.
University of Chicago Surgical Services has been active in the area of Global surgery for years. Working in conjunction with the Center for Global Health, we have developed a program that focuses the department’s activities to enhance the experience of students, residents, fellows and faculty who engage in efforts globally as well as those wishing to visit the University of Chicago to gain additional insight into tertiary and quaternary surgical care.
One of the unique aspects of the University of Chicago’s efforts in Global Surgery is the emphasis on ensuring Global Surgery develops while adhering to universal concepts of surgical ethics. We work with local partners and organize conferences throughout the world focused on surgical diseases and the ethical development of surgical services. One of our most significant partnerships has been to assist in the development of quality standards for transplant programs in China and to establish a voluntary deceased donor program in China that has allowed the country’s government to ban the use of organs from executed prisoners.
Vice-Chair for Global Surgery

James Michael Millis, MD
Professor of Surgery